The Top 10 Benefits of SMS System in Pioneers E-School
Pioneers E-school
Pioneers E-school
The Top 10 Benefits of SMS System in Pioneers E-School

The Top 10 Benefits of SMS System in Pioneers E-School

Thanks to the messaging module, the school can customize and send text messages periodically or as needed, track sent notifications, and analyze responses and feedback received.

The Top 10 Benefits of SMS System in Pioneers E-School

The SMS integration module in Pioneers E-School enterprise resource planning software enables teachers and school administrators to quickly and effectively send short messages to parents. This module can be used to send reminder messages to ensure that students attend school or to send updates and news about the school to parents, teachers, and students. It can also be used to send urgent messages to communicate with parents in emergency situations or important events. The SMS integration module is an important communication tool in improving school services and communication among all those involved in the school.

Pioneers E-School enterprise resource planning software is equipped with an SMS integration module that allows schools to send short text messages to students, parents, and teachers. This module can be used to send important notifications, reminders about upcoming events, schedules, and other important information.

SMS integration helps improve communication between the school, parents, and students, increasing the effectiveness of collaboration and interaction among everyone. It also helps improve control and management of the school by enabling the sending of reminder messages to students about lesson times, holidays, special events, and daily tasks.

In addition, the SMS integration module in Pioneers E-School enterprise resource planning software can enhance student and teacher interaction, improving their overall educational experience. Thus, the software helps improve the quality of education and raise the educational level of the school.


Advantages of the SMS system in Pioneers E-School:


  1. Pending fee status:

Often parents forget important deadlines for paying school fees and other necessary fees. However, the school's SMS unit can alleviate this challenge by scheduling manual or automatic reminders for parents about the various fees that must be paid and their respective deadlines. These manual and automatic reminders are set to be sent either before or after the deadline, so that parents can pay the fees on time.


  1. Reminder for absent students:

Schools and parents often face a lot of concern when students are absent from school, especially if the periods are long or if there are recurring patterns of absenteeism. However, the school's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system provides a solution to this problem by sending manual or automatic reminders via SMS to parents in case of student absence. This ensures that parents are aware that their child has not attended school on a particular day and they can take necessary action regarding it.


  1. Reminder for upcoming events:

Parents face a big challenge in keeping track of important events in the school calendar, such as cultural shows, special days, and celebrations. However, with the Pioneers E-School ERP system, teachers can send automatic reminders to all parents with just one click, which helps save time and effort for teachers and parents. This means that teachers will not have to manually and handwritten reminders for each parent, instead, reminders will be sent automatically. This allows teachers to focus on teaching students instead of keeping track of events in the school calendar.


  1. Updating Emergency Holidays

Sometimes the government announces emergency holidays during the school year, and they can be for various reasons such as weather conditions or social and political events. In these cases, the Pioneers E-School system can help by sending urgent messages to all parents about updating emergency holidays.

The main benefit of using the Pioneers E-School system in this case is the ability to easily send mass updates, where the school can send SMS updates with just one click of a button without any hassle.


  1. Student Progress Notification

It is true that continuous communication between teachers and parents plays a crucial role in improving students' performance in schools, but coordination between the two sides can sometimes be challenging. Using the Pioneers E-School program, teachers can automatically send academic performance updates to students via SMS, saving time and effort for parents. Thus, parents can continuously monitor their children's performance and take necessary measures to improve their performance in a timely manner.


  1. Upcoming Examinations

Certainly, automatic SMS notifications sent by the Pioneers E-School program to parents can remind them of the examination schedules and any other updates in school schedules. Therefore, parents can better prepare to help their children prepare for exams and study for them, as well as organize their personal schedules better based on this information.


  1. Result Announcement

Undoubtedly, sending exam and test results via SMS using the Pioneers E-School ERP program is an effective and convenient method for both parents and students. It saves everyone time and effort, in addition to ensuring that results are received quickly and organized. It also serves as a direct incentive for students to study harder and improve their performance when they know that the school's results will be sent directly to their parents. For parents, this SMS module saves them the hassle of constantly checking with the school for result-related dates.


  1. Alert for School Bus Timing Changes

Using the SMS module in the Pioneers E-School ERP program is a quick and effective way for the school transportation team to send reminders to parents about any changes in school bus timings, routes, breakdowns, or other essential information. Instead of waiting at the bus stop for several anxious moments, the SMS system can alert them, giving them peace of mind and helping them plan their pick-up and drop-off accordingly.


  1. Latest News Update

The Pioneers E-School program is an excellent communication tool for keeping parents, school staff, and even students updated on the latest news related to the school, allowing everyone to stay informed and updated more efficiently and quickly.


  1. Password Reminder

The SMS module in the Pioneers E-School ERP program is also a great way for schools to remind parents of regular administrative tasks that need to be done on the Pioneers E-School ERP program, ranging from adding updates to updating passwords.


For more details about the integrated school management system, Pioneers E-school, or to request a free trial version, please register your information and contact us.


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