Features website control panel
Pioneers E-school
Pioneers E-school
Features website control panel

Features website control panel

Communication technology and the Internet have developed greatly, which has led to the emergence of many electronic solutions in various fields, including the field of education. Electronic control panels for educational websites are an essential tool for managing schools and facilitating communication and distance learning. In this article, we will review the features of the control panel on the schools website and how they can contribute to improving the quality of education and communication between teachers, students and parents.

Features website control panel

Control Panel The Pioneers E-School website includes several menus that help in managing the school effectively. Administrators, teachers, and parents have access to a variety of different information and functions.

 The site's control panel consists of several menus (home - administrative area - exhibition - activities - employment announcements - advertisements - control - student affairs - achievements - applications - messages - class schedule).

Appears in the main:

 The main lists and branches of the school, a statistic of absence, the number of people using the program, the number of employees, teachers, and parents, a statistic of the number of stages, a statistic of students in classes, new students, students under examination, and students admitted and suspended.

In the administrative area:

 You can add new users, search for users, make modifications to groups, and give them certain powers in addition to some other features in them such as:

  1. News:
    You can add news categories, make notes, activate comments for non-registrants, and add paragraphs attached to a picture.
  2. Weekly sermon:
    through which you can choose the branch, department, educational stage, grade, plan start date, and end date.
  3. Slider settings:
    A group of images that can be changed and a URL for these images.
  4. About:
    It is an overview of the school, its history, and its achievements.
  5. Curriculum distribution plan:
    A plan that appears in the students' accounts shows whether the curriculum is the first term only, the second term only, or the first and second term.
  6. Events:
    Through this, you can formulate events, put a title for them, the event's details, the event's date and start, determine the event's privacy, and make modifications or deletions of the main image.
  7. Add category:
    From which you can add a new page template.
  8. Competitions and advertisements:
    to create school competitions, put a title for them, write their details, start date, and end of the competition
  9. Facilities and services:
    We can add the name of the service and attach a photo or video to it.
  10. Service provider settings:
    Through this, you can determine the service provider with whom the school has been contracted to do a smart class.



You can add a video album and you can upload videos from your computer


Through it you can select a category and within it the work of a group of activities.

Employment Announcements:

Through it, you can choose the job title, place of work, required qualifications, add skills, determine the number of years of experience and skills, and another re-application.


Through it, you can do a certain job for students.


It has a special screen for the balance of monthly results.

Student Affairs:

Through it, you can print a list of specific chapters.


They are profiles of the school such as the title of the achievement, details, date, and type, and a photo of the cover.


Through it, you can know the applications that have been registered through the website electronically.


You can send messages from it and it also contains an inbox; through it, you can view read and unread messages.

Messages sent:

You can send a message to employees, students, parents, or the administration through it.

Class Schedule:

You can make the study schedule or upload a picture of it through it.


Therefore, the control panel is the cornerstone through which the efficiency of your school's LMS system is evaluated, and this is what was taken into account in the LMS system of the Pioneers E-School management program.

If you want to request the Pioneers E-School program, you can contact us now!


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